Ken Barr Numismatics..........................................408-272-3247
P. O. Box 32541..........................10 AM - 10
PM (West Coast time)
San Jose, CA 95152......................e-mail:
The following price lists and additional files eventually
will be available:
I often have various items (numismatic literature, tokens,
medals, souvenir cards, currency, etc.) for sale at eBay. Search for seller
id kenbarrnumis, or
here for a list of my current sales (if any). [Feel free to bookmark
the search page so that you can access it directly from your browser in
the future ...]

Entire website Copyright 1997 - 2024 Ken Barr Numismatics.
Collectors wishing to download one copy of the tables for personal non-commercial
use in cataloging their collections are welcome to do so. Anyone
else wishing to use the data or images on this site for commercial purposes
should contact me in advance for licensing fee information.
Thanks! E-mail me at:
if I can be of service.